Service and Loyalty
Through our ISF Local Associations situated all over the world, the aims of The International Scout Fellowship are to help its members to keep alive the spirit of the Scout or Guide Promise and Law, Bring that spirit into the communities, in which they live and work and actively support Scouting and Guiding Programs around the world.
The Principles of the International Scout Fellowship imply that members will endeavor to:
- Respect human life and rights,
- Work for justice and peace in order to create a happier world,
- Contribute to understanding, especially through friendship, tolerance and respect for others.
In the ISF we interpret this to mean that we do not discriminate against other people on the grounds of nationality, gender, religion, race or sexual orientation.
This requires a commitment by everyone, in his or her personal development, towards a better understanding of the International Scout Fellowship and the Scout and Guide spirit and to the advancement of the above principles. The fellowship of the Local Association provides a means whereby members can socialize and share the common bond of experience in Scouting and Guiding. They are able to satisfy a curiosity as to how the Movement is faring today and to assist the Movement in a unique manner as and when they are able.
ISF Local Association service to Scouting does not assume any of the responsibilities of the active Scouter, but assists, where possible, as and when requested, in such ways as suggested below. ISF Local Associations perform many services to Scouting and the community; some are ongoing and some are periodic.
ISF Local Associations are self-directing and they and individual members do not necessarily become involved in any or all of these projects but choose to become involved when and as they are able.
Some examples of past and present ISF Local Association assistance to Scouting are:
- Assistance at Group, Service Area or Council camps and jamborees at every level.
- Fund raising by various activities to assist individual Scouts or Groups in many ways, including attendance at camps, jamborees and special trips.
- Service in many capacities with Groups, as Sponsors´ Representatives, on Service Areas or Councils, camp committees, training committees, Gilwell reunions, hikeathons, Christmas tree sales, plant sales, etc.
- Operation and maintenance of a local Scout Hut.
- In conjunction with Groups or Service Areas in setting up and operating displays and information tables during celebrations, fairs, and especially during Scout-Guide Week.
- Special maintenance and support services to Service Area or Council camp sites.
- Assisting Beaver, Cub, Scout, and Rover Sections as speakers, badge examiners, or special trainers.